Note to my subscribers
Dear Subscribers,
I'm going to have to pause the publication of my father's short stories for a while. It's turned out to be much more time-consuming than I imagined it would be to get the stories— and my notes on them—ready to send out, and right now Steven and I are working long hours every day finishing up the twenty-six new Three Investigators books and feeling our way toward the proper future for the new series.
In addition, although I know that a handful of you have been delighted to get the chance to read some of my father's stories, my impression is that the majority signed up for news about the new Three Investigators series, and not for the stories.
Apparently Substack can tell how many subscribers have opened any given post, and since the Substack administrators are eager to pass the numbers on to their account holders, I can't avoid knowing that the stories have consistently been opened by no more than about half of you.
Since the stories have also had very few likes or other responses, I can only assume that—at least at the moment—the stories are not what you're really here for.
I apologize to those of you who've been enjoying them, and I will resume their publication when I can. At some point, The Collected Stories of Robert Arthur will also be available on Amazon and elsewhere, and I'll let you know about that publication here, when the time comes.
In the meantime, just after this note, I'm going to publish one last story in this first run. It’s called “The Book And The Beast,” and its first publication was in Weird Tales.
With all best wishes,
Elizabeth Arthur